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The Power of the Church

A four week series coming in June

Join us and discover the purpose and the power of the church that Jesus built.


Who We Are

We are people from diverse backgrounds and life experiences come together to worship God in true fellowship based on the truth of God's word - the Bible. We are a congregation dedicated to serving the spiritual, educational, and physical needs of the community around us. Our doors are always open to anyone who is looking for answers and a place to belong. Bible Fellowship Church is a non-denominational church voluntarily affiliated with the Church of God (Anderson, IN).


Embracing & Extending the Teachings of Jesus

Our primary purpose is to share God's love and tell others what Jesus has done and wants to do for their lives.

The Church has the honor of connecting people to God, and to each other in a loving and caring setting. It is our mission to empower our community to become His disciples learning and practicing the teachings of Jesus Christ.

The word “church” originates from the word “gathering” or “to gather." We strongly hold to the understanding that the Church of God is not a building or a structure, but rather, actually all who believe in Jesus as our Savior.


We aim to maintain and foster a comfortable environment for our congregation to gather, build relationships, demonstrate love, and share their knowledge. 

About our Pastor

Pastor Bob and his wonderful wife Cheryl came to Bible Fellowship Church in August of 2017. They have three adult children, Tara, Kristy and Michael, and six grandchildren. Pastor Bob is a gifted preacher and teacher as well as a trained vocalist. Cheryl is also gifted at teaching and working with children. They make a great team together.

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